Motorola Xoom Root Guide


First you will need to download some tools. First, download the Motorola Xoom USB drivers. Download them from Motorola’s support website (support website link). Download the ‘motohelper’ program from that link.

Now, plug in your Xoom to make sure all drivers were installed properly. If you are good, download the Android SDK, if not already installed. To properly install it, download the Java JDK (link) and click the “Download JDK” button. Choose your operating system and install. Either extract the SDK to a directory of choice, or point your mouse to the Program Files\Android SDK\ directory. There, you will find some folders like platforms, platform-tools and so on.

In the newest release of Android SDK, folks at Google have moved the adb files to the ‘platform-tools’ folder (from ‘tools’ folder). I copied everything from inside the ‘platform-tools’ folder, to the ‘tools’ folder but did not replace any files. Make sure to just copy them. All the required files will be there like the much-needed adb.exe and so on.

Now, are you ready to type in some commands? Open up a command prompt i.e. cmd and use cd to go to ‘tools’ folder. So, till this point, you have Motorola Xoom drivers installed, Xoom is plugged in, and detected. Open “Device Manager” to make sure everything is alright.


– Android SDK is configured right, and cmd is pointed at the correct location.

– USB Debugging option is checked. Check above for instructions

1. Download the XOOM root zip.
2. Unzip the package, and
3. put the 3 files inside the same ‘tools’ folder we’re running cmd from!
4. adb reboot bootloader (skip the next 3 steps if you have already unlocked your Xoom via fastboot, which is another guide on XDA that just lets you unlock the Xoom. It’s not rooting.)
5. fastboot oem unlock
6. -wait for the Xoom to reboot completely.
7. adb reboot bootloader
8. fastboot flash boot rootboot.img
9. fastboot reboot
10. –wait for the Xoom to reboot completely.
11. adb remount
12. adb push su /system/bin/
13. adb shell –> You will now be mounted within adb shell…
14. ln –s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su
15. chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
16. exit –> This gets you out of adb shell…
17. adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/

That is it. Unplug the Xoom and enjoy your rooted tablet.

UPDATE – There is now an easier way to Root Xoom using One Click Root method. It works for Wi-Fi version as well.

Also check out – ADB Windows Setup

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