Google and Serbian mobile operator VIP team-up : launch HTC Magic in Serbia

Google Android has launched HTC Magic in Serbia, with Serbian mobile operator VIP. Android, it seems, is planning to explore newer horizons everyday. Android is already available in many other European countries. But, this came as a surprise move from Google.

Initially, the device will be available at select VIP sales outlets in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Nis. The device is available at a base price of RSD 42.999. And, it can also be bought at a price as low as RSD 19.999 per month.The users will also get an internet package of 1.8 MB per month, with the plan. For more information on data plans, visit the official website of VIP.

With the launch of Android in Serbia, Google has clearly shown its goal to capture the cell phone market in the smaller countries as well. But, how far an Open Source Operating System is accepted in such countries, is yet to be seen.

[via tmcnet]

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