Android powered ‘OPhone’ to be launched in China

China has emerged as the world’s largest wireless market. What could be a better opportunity for HTC and Android ? That’s the reason, HTC is planning to launch the latest Android powered device, HTC Magic, but by a different name, the OPhone, in China, as per a report by the Wall Street Journal.

The phone will be provided by the career, China Mobile and will have customized software from the mobile career (read it as Open Mobile System, the name for China Mobile’s customized version of Google’s mobile operating system).

The price of the device has not been confirmed yet. But, the WSJ suggests the price would be somewhere around 5,000 yuan, or about $730. The OPhone will probably be launched in China next month.

This launch will probably pave the way for Android to explore the other Asian markets. HTC is hoping to double its sales in China this year. May be, Android will make HTC’s dreams come true. And, the Asian customers, who have been anxiously waiting to get a hold of the Android devices have some reason to rejoice.


[via cnet asia]

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